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Free Advertising for Fundraisers

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 28 May 2015 | comments*Discuss
Free Advertising Fundraisers Fundraising

Advertising a fundraising event or campaign is one of the crucial elements of fundraising. Fundraisers can pay to place event adverts on radio shows and in newspapers but there are plenty of sources of free advertising available to fundraisers.

Successful Fundraising Advertising

The power of advertising should not be underestimated by fundraisers. The success of fundraising campaigns can hinge greatly on the type of advertising used to reach the public. Most large fundraising organisations will have an advertising budget. But for smaller fundraisers it is important to keep set up costs to a minimum. There are plenty of ways to obtain free advertising throughout a fundraising campaign. Using a little imagination should provide results and expand the amount of fundraising advertising venues.

Free Advertising; Start Spreading the Word

Word of mouth is one of the most effective forms of free advertising. Social networking sites are now one of the best ways to reach a huge audience with the click of a button. The more volunteers and fundraisers who promote the campaign on a social networking sites such as Facebook, the greater the number of people that can be reached. Getting the word out in communities shouldn’t be hard to do especially with fliers posted in local businesses and schools. Think of the amount of local businesses, pubs, restaurants and shops where fliers can be placed.

Obtain Advertising Material for Free

Advertising material such as posters and fliers can eat into a fundraising budget. But materials can be obtained for free if fundraisers have obtained sponsorship and support from local businesses. Most businesses will have offices with photocopying equipment and paper. Asking one of the businesses to donate the material and the use of photocopying equipment as a form of sponsorship can eliminate costs. Fliers and posters can be designed on computers and then simply printed up via colour printers and photocopiers.

Use the Most Effective Free Advertising Locations

An effective advertising location means placing promotional material where it will definitely be read. Consider places where people do have to wait for an amount of time. This means advertising locations such as doctor’s and dentist’s waiting rooms. Government offices, libraries, coffee shops and bus and rail stations are all good advertising locations. It may sound unusual, but public restrooms are one of the most effective advertising locations.

Making the Most of Local Media Outlets

Newspapers, magazines, television and radio outlets are all prime sources of advertising. The main problem is achieving advertising on these outlets without spending any cash. One way to obtain free advertising using these media methods is to agree to an interview. This works especially well on local radio, newspapers and television. If the fundraiser is particularly unique and can capture the public’s interest then an interview will not cost a penny and will guarantee publicity.

Using the Internet to Advertise for Free

The internet is now one of the most convenient tools to use when it comes to free advertising. There are a huge number of free advertising methods available on the internet. The capabilities of the internet to reach potential donators should not be underestimated. Free advertising methods online should include:

  • Social networking sites; one of the best ways to advertise fundraisers for free
  • Emails and newsletters to keep donators and the public informed of the campaign’s progress
  • Contacting local businesses to request sponsorship and request the likelihood of advertising on their premises
  • Setting up stand alone fundraising websites using free website hosting companies
  • Exchanging fundraising links and banners that can be placed on sponsors and donator’s websites
  • Use websites such as Youtube on which to place informational videos on the fundraising campaign
  • Write articles and interviews on the fundraisers and post on free to use Citizen Journalism sites
  • Join fundraising organisations and take advantage of the forums and posting pages to advertise fundraising campaigns
Fundraisers should seriously consider how they will advertise their fundraising campaigns and events during the planning stage. Eye catching advertisements in the correct locations can make all the difference to a fundraiser. Members of the public who read the advertisements and are interested can soon spread the word among friends and work colleagues. Remember to diversify and use as many free advertising options as possible to maximise the chances of obtaining public interest.

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GADC and Local Forum (representatives members of the communities) in Manhiça designed a project entitled “Giving Skills to the Vulnerable”, that aims to meet the psychological needs of Teens and Children, in part by school support and developing practical instruments to enable caregivers to support them and training modules with handouts, which may be combined in ways to suit the needs and time of the trainees. Summarized activities: (1) Training on psychosocial support and resilience, the caregivers and family-community which have taken AIDS orphans; (2) Setting up WDC.-Woman Development Center to run a dress-making cutting and designing training and Business plan for caregivers for income generating activities ( including school uniform); (3) Training of teens and children on ceramic production, batik production and handcraft, abstract draw and plastic painting and lessons hygiene to develop their individual capacity; (4) Providing school uniform for 37 most vulnerable children and teens; We are requesting your partnership and the financial support with the amount of 50.00 USD. We thank you in advance for your attention on this letter and the donation.
gadc - 28-May-15 @ 12:11 PM
I am organizing a medical mission for a small Island in the Caribbean and need to hold fundraising eventts. I am having problems starting an Event. Please help me.
Hopeful - 16-Jul-13 @ 2:23 PM
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