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Fundraising Methods to Avoid

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 24 Apr 2018 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Fundraisers Charity Methods

There are some fundraising methods and styles that simply don’t work when it comes to engaging with the public. Yet some fundraisers consistently use ineffective fundraising ideas and also approach the public in a way guaranteed to annoy rather than inspire generosity.

Getting the Fundraising Event Right

Fundraising themes and events should be carefully considered. Achieving the maximum interest from the public means undertaking research during the planning stage. Too many fundraisers simply jump in with quirky ideas that may seem original at the time but won’t help to engage the public’s interest. Factors such as the weather, age group of attendees at events, marketing, advertising and the actual fundraising cause all need to be carefully considered. Just as important is the actual fundraising style when asking for donations from the public in person.

Face to Face Fundraising Styles to Avoid

The British public do not like being approached and asked for donations when they are busy. It is a guaranteed turn off for the public to be harassed during their lunch hour by over eager fundraisers. There is a difference between simply standing with a collecting bucket and pestering the public for donations. Aggressive fundraisers are not uncommon and the public will more often than not view this fundraising style as harassment. An ‘in your face’ fundraising style will simply make the public cross the street rather than donate money.

Gauge the Best Time to Ask for Donations

Fundraisers should also be aware of the best and worst times to approach the public and ask for donations. Knocking on doors at a time when most people have just arrived home from work is guaranteed not to achieve the best response from the public. The same thinking can be applied to knocking on doors during weekend mornings. Fundraisers should take these considerations on board when door to door fundraising is used. Remember that seasonal factors such as the Christmas spirit will also influence the public’s generosity.

The Charitable Cause Factor

Fundraisers should also consider the charity or good cause they are raising money for. Where the actual fundraising money is going does make a difference to donators. Most people do give money to well known causes such as cancer research and children’s charities as these are causes that people can relate to. When times are tight the saying ‘charity begins at home’ is used by the public as a reason not to donate to niche causes. Fundraisers should seriously consider the cause they are raising money for during the planning stage.

Considerations with Donation Methods

There are many different methods that can be used by the public to donate money to fundraising causes. Some are more popular than others but there are some that the public simply do not trust. Media stories on money going astray or not reaching intended charities have left some payment methods looking untrustworthy. Donations by text have been popular in the past but many people are wary of this donation method. Fundraisers should diversify payment methods in order to let the public decide how they wish to give to a good cause.

Points to Consider when Planning a Fundraiser

Deciding on a fundraising event or theme should take much consideration. Getting it wrong will make a difference to the amount raised and the amount of people who would be interested in the event. Points to consider should include:

  • Consider the intended age group of donators in relation to the fundraising theme or event
  • Fundraising events such as sponsored sports will usually be more popular than quirky niche events
  • Consider the weather if outdoor sports or events are intended during a fundraiser
  • If selling goods be aware of seasonal factors such as selling toys and warm clothes during the festive season
  • Come up with ways to inspire the public, capture their imagination and get them onboard with a good cause
  • Don’t simply stick an advert in a local newspaper, use every advertising method available especially the internet
  • Take no for answer if someone doesn’t wish to donate, pestering people will make them angry not generous
  • Be aware of relevant fundraising themes that are popular such as environmental and health issues
Getting people to donate to a cause or charity is not always as easy as it seems. There are a number of factors that come into play when it comes to the public and giving generously. Undertaking some research, approaching the public respectfully and gauging the popularity of an event or theme should help to maximise donations.

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Raising funds for Josh Davis, 25, he was made a quadriplegic in January 2018 after a serious accident whilst camping.He now has a long road to recovery and has no compensation as it was neither a road or work accident. All proceeds to Josh and his recovery.
LET'S DO IT FOR JOS - 24-Apr-18 @ 11:21 AM
Our organisation is considering funraising and this info has opened our mind a great deal. Thank You so much.
MRBROWN - 27-Sep-11 @ 9:07 AM
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