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Neighbourhood Fundraising Ideas

By: Sharon Walls - Updated: 16 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Ideas Fundraise Community

Fundraising amongst family and friends is the simplest way to raise money for your cause, but it may not always yield the most donations.

If you can expand your fundraising efforts to a wider audience, you'll have an even greater chance of fundraising success.

Fundraising in your neighbourhood is one easy alternative, and it's great for several reasons. First, doing something good for charity is a fantastic way to raise community spirits and a sense of goodwill. Also, fundraising brings neighbourhoods closer together.

Whether you are fundraising alone or working with your neighbours on a community fundraising cause, starting the fundraising conversations with your neighbours now will lead to positive community experiences well into the future.

Regardless of the type of neighbourhood fundraising you decide to do, here are some ideas to help you get started:

Hold A Neighbourhood Street Party

In prior generations, street parties were much more common than they are today. Neighbours would get together to hold summer barbecues and celebrate holidays like Fireworks Night. It was a great way to get to know the people around you and have fun too.

You can bring the street parties back to your neighbourhood. You can organise your neighbourhood party alone, or try to get several of your neighbours involved in different tasks such as sending invitations, food preparation and entertainment. Community support is a key element for the success of a neighbourhood party.

At your street party, you can raise funds by soliciting donations, and you can also run secondary fundraising activities:

  • Fun fair games - Set up some simple, fun fair-style games for children and adults to play. Ideas for fundraising games include ball in the bucket, apple bobbing, horseshoes and tin can alley.
  • Quiz or contest - Hold a pub quiz or contest for all your neighbours, with prizes for the winners. Questions can be general or about your local area.
  • Scavenger hunt - Delight kids and adults alike with a neighbourhood scavenger hunt. Draw up a map and place clues at different locations. Each clue leads to the next clue, until someone finishes the hunt and wins the game.
When planning a street party, it is essential to involve all of your neighbours and local businesses in the process. You will need to ask the council or local authority for permission to close the road on the day of the street party, and you will need neighbourhood support to do this. You may also need a permit if you plan on having formal entertainment, such as a live DJ or band.

Hold A Car Boot Sale Or Garage Sale

Many people have unused household items that they'd like to get rid of. Why not sell these items and donate the proceeds to your fundraising efforts?

You can run a car boot sale or garage sale on your own, but you'll have even greater success if you get your neighbours involved. Make signs advertising the sale date and ask your neighbours to come out and sell some of their stuff too. The more people who attend, the higher the fundraising donations for your cause!

Odd Jobs Fundraising

If you look around your home right now, you could likely make a list of a dozen or more things that you would like to have done. Your neighbours are in a similar position.

From window washing to gardening, go around your neighbourhood and ask if people would allow you to do odd jobs for them in exchange for a fundraising donation. Many people would be glad for the help, and it's a great way to meet your neighbours too!

Getting Started With Neighbourhood Fundraising

Neighbourhood fundraising can be one of the most rewarding fundraising activities you do. Not only will you raise money for your charitable cause, but you'll get the chance to meet and interact with your neighbours.

Getting started with neighbourhood fundraising is easy. If you are already on familiar terms with some of your neighbours, see if they're willing to assist you. By getting several people involved, you can plan on larger events and lots of helping hands! Then, decide what type of fundraising you would like to do. If you live in a smaller neighbourhood, you may want to start with a more modest fundraising activity.

All that's left once you've decided on your neighbourhood fundraising plan is to start talking to your neighbours! Whether you make flyers or meet everyone in person, be sure to introduce yourself and explain what you're doing. Who knows? You might inspire some of your neighbours to take up fundraising too!

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I think this is a great website and is great that people want to help others. When I die I am going to donate all my organs.
sweetheart - 18-Dec-11 @ 8:19 PM
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