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Seven Key Steps of a Company Fundraiser

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 16 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Company Fundraisers Sponsors Businesses

Companies who are considering fundraising as a part of their business will need to include certain key steps. There are many aspects to consider including target audience and potential sponsors.

Setting up a Company Fundraising Committee

A fundraising plan should be set in place when considering a one off event or fundraising as a long term business feature. Businesses should begin by appointing members of staff who will form a fundraising committee. The committee will be in charge of all aspects of the fundraising plan and each member should have their own responsibilities. The fundraising strategy should begin with the objectives and goals that are intended through the fundraising. The committee should be fully aware of the laws and strict rules that govern business fundraising.

Be Aware of the Fundraising Target Audience

Fundraisers should consider who their target audience will be. By defining this aspect they will be able to tailor fundraising events to the audience for maximum interest, donations and sponsorship. Will the fundraiser be specifically for the local community or are other businesses to be contacted as sponsors? How can the company brand be integrated into the fundraiser? What sort of fundraising events will work best within the community on either a one off or long term basis?

Gaining Maximum Publicity for Fundraisers

Publicity for fundraising events is one of the most important elements. Keeping overheads low is important and this can be achieved by advertising on a company website. Local press and local radio should also be considered to reach a wider audience during the run up to fundraising events. Social networking sites are also a good publicity tool to keep people informed of the fundraisers. Emails are another inexpensive way to reach a large number of contacts rapidly.

Networking with Other Businesses during a Fundraiser

Nearly all businesses will deal with other businesses within the local community. The fundraising company will need to decide whether to involve other businesses in the fundraiser. This can take the form of advertising businesses throughout the fundraiser in return for sponsorship or large donations. The fundraising company and the sponsors should decide the terms and conditions of the sponsorship. This should be agreed in writing to avoid any confusion at a later date and to make the agreement legally binding.

Undertake Research on Potential Sponsors

Research should be undertaken if sponsorship is to be considered from other businesses. Research should include whether certain businesses will make a good fit to the fundraiser and whether they have sponsored others in the past. Find out if there could be any conflict of interests when offering certain companies to sponsor a fundraiser. For instance there may already be a sponsor in place who is a competitor of another considered sponsor. Researching potential sponsors will save a great deal of time in the long run and the more information on the intended sponsor the better.

Make Sure to Plan a Fundraising Event Well in Advance

Time frames are very important when organising a fundraiser, especially fundraising event days. Planning in advance means that last minute problems should not disrupt the event as problems will already have been anticipated in advance. For instance, what would happen if bad weather was to cancel an outdoor event? Has an alternative been set in place or considered to avoid financial losses. There are numerous aspects to consider including venues, volunteers, fundraising themes, security if necessary, and insurance issues.

Points to Remember for a Successful Company Fundraiser

Company fundraisers do take a lot of planning and there will be many issues to consider. Some important fundraiser planning aspects that should be considered well in advance will include:

  • The type of events and activities to be included
  • Health, safety and legal requirements
  • If donations are based on a percentage of company sales, how much of a percentage
  • Where are the funds raised going; for instance a national charity or to benefit the local community
  • How much company time should be spent on fundraising activities
  • Company tax implications of fundraising
  • If sponsorship is to be included the levels of sponsorship and the sponsor involvement should be decided
  • Detailed reports and financial records will be required especially where tax is concerned
A final point to remember is to have fun with company fundraisers. Although fundraisers should be run efficiently and professionally they should be an aspect of the business that brings enjoyment and fun for all involved. If employees enjoy running and participating in company fundraisers the enthusiasm should help to guarantee a successful fundraiser.

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Interesting points made. Not sure wether is is entirely appropriate for the 6LDA Group (Preserving 26004 and 26024), based at Boness near Edinburgh. However anything that raises the profile of the restoration of one of our diesels, 26004, van only help.
6LDA Group 26004 res - 20-Mar-11 @ 3:54 PM
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