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Fundraising Through Universities and Colleges

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 17 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Universities And Colleges Student Union

Universities and colleges are the ideal place to organise fundraising activities. Not only can students raise money for worthwhile causes and student clubs but the educational establishment will receive free publicity.

Fundraising Routes for Universities and Colleges

Students at universities and colleges have a number of fundraising options. Funds can be raised through the student union, during RAG week, or by groups looking to support specific charities. Universities and colleges will run a number of different societies and clubs. Fundraising is often one of the major ways that student clubs manage to survive. Many students also organise individual fundraisers to support local causes in the community.

Fundraising for Student Clubs

Almost all universities and colleges will have their own fundraising department, usually the student union fundraising and giving department (RAG). The student union does provide grants from their budget to help run student clubs and societies. But these budgets often facing severe cuts and are quickly depleted. Students are able to raise funds for their societies and clubs in a number of creative ways. If this is being considered, students should check with the RAG department to make sure that fundraising events do not clash.

Individual Student Fundraising Groups

Students can easily raise funds for worthy causes and charities that are not associated with their educational society. But by doing so they can bring publicity to the college or university they attend. There is no limit to the fundraisers that can be organised in this way. One of the plus points is that universities and colleges have access to a wide variety of equipment that can be used. Universities will usually have clubs such as abseiling, sports clubs, hand gliding and surfing to name just a few. All of these activities are an excellent way to raise sponsor money for charities and good causes.

Raising and Giving (RAG) Week

Raising and Giving, otherwise known as RAG week is one of the most well known fundraising periods for universities and colleges. RAG week is a long running tradition in universities throughout the UK and Ireland. Although RAG fundraisers typical last for one week there are many RAG departments that use this week as the start of fundraisers throughout the year. Typical RAG fundraisers included sponsored jail breaks, marathons, street collections and a number of sports activities. The funds raised during RAG week are usually donated to local or national charities.

Student Sponsored Fundraising Events and Activities

There is no end to the number of different events and activities that can be used to raise funds. There are some traditional student fundraising activities but being creative can bring up some unique events.

  • Jailbreaks; a traditional student activity where students have to make their way home without money or transport
  • Extreme sports including wind-surfing, paragliding, abseiling, mountain climbing and sky-diving
  • Pub quizzes, pub crawls and sponsored head shaving
  • Fundraising event nights at student unions and nightclubs
  • Sales of student artwork such as paintings, portraits and photographs of the public and sculptures
  • Hairdressing students can provide hairdressing for the public with proceeds donated to charity
  • Holding well known local public figures such as a mayor or local MP for ransom with donations for release
  • Sponsored football, rugby and tennis matches

Publicity for a Student Fundraising Event

Publicity for student fundraisers is generally easy to arrange. Students will usually be able to gain access to equipment to print up flyers through their university or college. Local radio stations may also provide free publicity especially if the fundraiser is for a local charity or good cause. College and university newsletters and websites can also be used to publicise the fundraising events. All of these publicity methods will not only bring publicity for the fundraiser but will also help to publicise the university or college.

Students are often the ideal fundraisers; young, full of energy and up for any type of fun activity. Student fundraisers are great way to get the entire community involved in donating to a worthwhile cause. Everyone knows someone within their family or friends who attends college or university and it is very easy to spread the word about student fundraisers. Students can contact their student union raising and giving department for more information on a range of fundraising options.

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