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Planning a Seasonal Fundraising Calendar

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 19 Nov 2012 | comments*Discuss
Fundraising Calendar Seasonal Weather

Many fundraising campaigns are an ongoing process throughout the year. A seasonal fundraising calendar is easy to implement and will help tailor events to the weather and annual holidays.

Fundraising Events throughout the Year

Seasonal fundraisers play a big part in any long term fundraising campaign. Fundraisers can attract and extend the public’s interest throughout the year by tailoring events to the season. Planning out the year’s fundraising activities is also essential when it comes to the fundraising budget and annual financial expectations. Keeping a fundraising campaign’s momentum going on a long term basis can be difficult and this where seasonal fundraisers come into play. Annual holiday periods are another great way to plan ahead when it comes to fundraising activities.

Benefits of Seasonal Fundraising

All members of the public are different and some will prefer certain activities to others. Seasonal fundraisers can include a huge amount of different activities. By splitting up the fundraising events it does give people more of a chance to pick and choose the events they would like to be involved in. Summer outdoor sports during the fair weather seasons and indoor activities such as dances and indoor activities during the winter months. A planned seasonal fundraising calendar also gives people something to look forward. Reminders on forthcoming events can be sent out well before the actual events take place.

Traditional Seasonal Fundraising Periods

There are times of the year that are extremely popular where fundraising is concerned. Holiday seasons such as Christmas and Easter are two of the most popular times to engage the public in fundraising events. Christmas is without doubt one of the year’s biggest fundraising seasons and for most fundraisers Christmas is the highlight of the year. Christmas is the time of the year when people feel extra generous and do want to give to good causes. Halloween is another seasonal favourite with Halloween parties and dances providing donations for fundraising causes.

Public and Bank Holidays in the UK

Public and bank holidays are excellent times for holding fundraising events. Long sunny bank holiday weekends are one of the best times for families to become involved in outdoor fundraisers. People are generally more relaxed and inclined to look for something to do during these holiday periods. The long school holidays are also perfect for getting families and children involved in fundraisers. Most families will only take a few weeks holiday away from home and have plenty of spare time during the six week summer holidays.

Indoor or Outdoor Events, It Depends on the Season

The seasons will pretty much dictate the kind of events that can take place, especially when it comes to sports activities. The winter months, especially in Britain, are not usually the best time for outdoor sports activities. Getting the public interested in taking part in a sponsored outdoor swim during the depths of winter will be a hard task. The seasonal weather should be kept in mind when planning a fundraising calendar. Tailoring the events to the seasonal weather is one of the ways to ensure events are not a washout.

Points to Remember when Planning a Seasonal Fundraising Calendar

Getting it right at the planning stage is vital towards a smooth running fundraiser and this includes seasonal fundraising planning. Points to remember when planning a seasonal fundraising calendar will include:

  • Compile a list of activities and split them into seasonal categories
  • Take into account that the weather will make a difference to certain activities
  • Cross out periods on the calendar that are not good periods for fundraising events
  • Be aware of major local events that will make a difference to the amount of people attending such as local music concerts
  • Avoid times such as high season holiday periods when people are more likely to be on holiday
  • Remember that the events do not need to be set in stone and there may be changes needed during the year
  • If business sponsors are involved fundraisers may have to consult with them in case of timing conflicts
  • Fundraising calendars do not need to be a one year projection but can cover two years with regular events
The timing of a fundraising event is one of the key elements. Planning well ahead in advance will mean that opportunities are not missed and fundraisers can take full advantage of the seasonal weather. A seasonal fundraising calendar planned in advance will also allow the public to keep time free for future fundraising events.

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